Monday, March 3, 2008

William's story

William's wife called a couple of month's back. She found William dead. She had no idea what had happened. He had a history of cardiac blockage and high blood pressure, but was only 60 and seemed fine. When the autopsy came back and the medical examiner said "methadone toxicity" was the cause of death, she was puzzled. She told me William had been on a steady dose of methadone for several months. His pill counts showed that he took the methadone only as directed. How could methadone have killed William? I had no idea. I asked to see the autopsy report and the medical records. William had been prescribed a steady dose of methadone for 9 months. But a month before he died, his doctor began prescribing a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines-- drugs like xanax and valium. Many doctors know that benzodiazepines can increase the effects of methadone, and therefore, are usually not given in conjunction with methadone. Unfortunately, William's doctor did not know this. And William died as a result. Phyllis Lile-King

Link To learn more

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