Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Zero Unintentional Deaths

The American Society of Anesthesiology has taken action regarding the increasing numbers of methadone deaths in the United States. And the ASA is a great organization to take such action: they count among their members people the common folk in America call "pain physicians." The ASA is engaged in an educational campaign entitled “Zero Unintentional Deaths” to reduce the number of accidental methadone deaths.
“Six Steps to Zero” highlights important rules for pain patients who are prescribed methadone:
1. Never take a prescription painkiller unless it is prescribed to you.
2. Do not take pain medicine with alcohol.
3. Do not take more doses than prescribed.
4. Use of other sedative or anti-anxiety medications can be dangerous.
5. Avoid using narcotic medications to facilitate sleep.
6. Lock up prescription painkillers.

I wish they had added this rule:

"If you get sleepy while taking methadone, call 911."

Many of my clients' families reported not understanding that drowsiness was a dangerous side effect of methadone, and remembering when their loved one retired to the bedroom to "sleep it off."
You can contact the ASA at Zero Unintentional Deaths c/o Life Source, 617 East 3900 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84106.

Phyllis Lile-King

Link For more information

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